Please note: All Reiki sessions are conducted remotely at this time

                             Reiki Trainings are in person



Reiki Master & Certified Healing Touch Energy Healing

For a first visit, I use an intake process to learn about you, and your health and well-being to discern your health concerns and goals.  I then intuitively incorporate Healing Touch and Reiki techniques, essential oils and sound healing to manifest your ideal healing session.


During your session, you will rest comfortably and fully clothed on a massage table.  I will use gentle touch or hands-off techniques to clear, balance and direct healing energy while removing barriers to your best physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. 


On subsequent visits, we will start by chatting about what brings you to the session, I'll listen for your healing needs, and the session will start.


Distance Sessions

The movement of energy is not restricted by time and space, which allows distance healing sessions to be effective when practitioner and client are not in the same location.  These subtle energy techniques have been taught and practiced within the Healing Touch curriculum  and the Reiki traditions for decades and many  early and indigenous cultures have long believed in the ability for energy to travel over long distances.  Because of its non-local nature, distance healing requires that the practitioner maintain  highly focused thoughts and intentions throughout the session.  This work encourages the healthy flow of energy throughout the body and will leave you feeling deeply relaxed, nurtured and restored. 





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